epic poem

美 [ˈepɪk ˈpoʊəm]英 [ˈepɪk ˈpəʊɪm]
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epic poemepic poem


a long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds
Synonym: heroic poem epic epos


  1. I could write an epic poem about this lip .


  2. Making a connection consciousness and the epic poem card is his usual research technique mutually ;


  3. The image molding of nationality epic poem . 5 .


  4. So if you want to write an epic poem , this isn 't the best place .


  5. The hero of the epic poem was described as being hoary with age .


  6. Paradise Lost is an epic poem written by the 17th century English poet John Milton .


  7. On the other hand , we must reconsider the field the return text promotes the Chinese epic poem research way unceasing innovation .


  8. This book has unfolded the millennium latter mammoth humanity interspace epic poem !


  9. An epic poem , translated from the armenian .


  10. There is no place in Poe 's system for the epic poem and not much for the three-decker novel .


  11. Therefore , further comprehensive studies on the ownership of means of production in the epic poem " Gesar " have very important function and significance .


  12. A Greek epic poem ( attributed to Homer ) describing the siege of Troy .


  13. The Aeneid is a Latin epic poem that was written somewhere between 29-19 BC .


  14. The third part is the sixth chapter . First and second section summarized the present situation of " Standard " and the reason of epic poem literary style declines .


  15. A middle high German epic poem written in the early13th century and based on the legends of Siegfried and of the Burgundian kings .


  16. Alfred , Lord Tennyson , famous for his epic poem " The Charge of the Light Brigade ," was born on this date in1809 .


  17. Gets to the bottom of a matter , the knight novel is develops in the heroic epic poem foundation , at the beginning of16th century had achieved are prosperous .


  18. His tales took on the form of an epic poem , and I felt I was hearing some Canadian Homer reciting his Iliad of the High Arctic regions .


  19. This is actually a Latin epic poem , which talks about a Trojan named , Aeneas , how he traveled to Italy and became an ancestral Roman .


  20. The most famous adult to have suffered from homesickness is probably Odysseus , the hero of Homer 's epic poem , who spent 10 years on a journey trying to get home .


  21. While Virgil is no longer around to rejoice at his work 's placement on numerous book lists , this unfinished epic poem is still worth a read after nearly 2,000 years of translations .


  22. This article is going to elaborate Song Dynasty chants epic poem of Song Dynasty Xu Jun " Shi Yongji ", as an independence concrete chants the history text , has its unique research value .


  23. The similarity on the universe structure inspires us to ponder the common in psychology and thinking mode of the eastern and western nationalities in the epic poem times , and inspires us to think it 's influence .


  24. To eater into the mood of this epic poem requires both sensitivity and imagination . To further our study of the Yuan Bai School , it is necessary to expound and illustrate this identification and judgment .


  25. Two works important to the city-state 's identity are " Epic Poem of Malaya " ( 1955 ) and " National Language Class " ( 1959 ) by the Singaporean artist Chua Mia Tee .


  26. The secular poetry includes the national epic poem , Beowulf , and a number of short lyrical poems which evoke the Anglo-Saxon of the harshness of circumstance and the sadness of the human lot .


  27. In the first part of the epic poem mahabharata , it is written that the sage vyasa asked Ganesha to transcribe the poem as he dictated it to him .


  28. Ancient lore is full of multi-limbed sea monsters such as the Scylla of Homer 's epic poem " The Odyssey , " which had 12 feet , six heads and a bark like a dog .


  29. The story of Adam and Eve and of the fall of Satan may strike us-having read or about to read Paradise Lost & may strike us as a natural subject for Milton to have chosen for his epic poem .


  30. But " Grindelwald " sounds like a reference to Grendel , the monster villain in the Old English epic poem " Beowulf . " It 's also parallel to Dumbledore 's middle name " Wulfric . "
